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Week Two of Working Remotely

My second week of working remotely, I had mostly worked from my friends apartment. So there isn't as much to say about the working situation in comparing it to different situations like the week before. However, I will say the dynamic of this week working from "home" compared to week one's working from "home" days were different in a small way, that made a big difference.

I was staying with a different friend now, and this friend lived in an area with more to see and do and had let me borrow their car too. So most days I had plans to go out and do stuff once I was done working. It gave me much more flexibility than the previous week had. This is when I could make plans with other friends for dinner, boba, barbecues, go out and see things such as see the amazon campus/spheres, parks, lakes, etc. In my last post, I talked about being confined to the house and how that wasn't as motivating to get work done. It did feel very restricting and thus, much less motivating.

Dahlia Garden in Volunteer Park

Now, because I had the ability to go somewhere else and do things when I was done with my work, it felt like a reward system. If I work really hard and focus early in the day and get all my work done, I can go out after and do things. So that definitely made a big difference in my motivation. I found that accessibility to go and do different things was the biggest factor in motivation. So now, I felt more motivated and still had the perks of easy electricity access, bathroom breaks, etc.

So two weeks in, and all was going well. There were all these things I was picking up in difference of work situations very quickly. But after this second week, I would be moving to a different state where I would be in a whole new different setup again. My living and working situation would be different and I'll write about that all in the next post. Thanks for reading about my journey and stay tuned for what comes next!

View from Kerry Park

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